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Know what to expect after suffering a brain injury

On Behalf of | May 6, 2021 | Brain Injuries

Any time you’re involved in a collision, one of the risks is that you may have a brain injury. Whether or not you’ve hit your head, there is a chance that your brain could be bleeding or swelling inside the skull. It’s more likely if you were involved in a crash where you stopped suddenly, hit your head or turned quickly. Even if you feel fine, it’s always a good idea to have a medical exam to make sure you don’t have a brain injury after a crash.

If you do have a brain injury, there are some symptoms that you should expect. These include:

  • Vomiting
  • Slurred speech
  • Headaches
  • Blurry vision
  • Trouble staying awake
  • Bleeding or fluids leaking from the nose or ears

After your crash, a proper diagnosis will let you know how severe the injury is and if you need to have surgery or another form of treatment.

What kinds of brain injuries are there?

There are several kinds of brain injuries including:

  • Mild traumatic brain injuries
  • Moderate brain injuries
  • Acute brain injuries

There are also different types, such as concussions, aneurysms and diffuse-axonal injuries. It’s important to know the severity of the injury as well as they type you have, because knowing that allows you to understand the kinds of symptoms to expect.

How can a brain injury affect you in the long-term?

In the long-term, some people do recover completely from brain injuries. This is more common when the injuries are mild or moderate. In cases of acute injury, a patient may have lasting complications such as depression, memory problems, trouble sleeping or seizures.

What should you do if you suffer a brain injury in a car crash?

If you suffer from a brain injury in a car crash, it’s important to talk to your attorney about the steps you can take to get compensated. When another driver is at fault for a collision, their insurance should cover your medical care and ongoing care needs as well as lost wages and other financial impacts you’ve suffered. It’s worth taking the time to get treated, and then you can talk to your attorney about the steps to take next.