Whistleblowing helps uncover wrongdoing and protect the public. In California, new laws now protect more than just regular employees. Independent contractors can report illegal activities without fear of retaliation. This change shows that people understand how work...
What happens when an employer retaliates against a worker?
Both state and federal laws protect workers from certain types of on-the-job misconduct. Employees should not have to endure harassment or other forms of discrimination because of protected characteristics like their race and sex. They also should not fear punishment...
2 whistleblower mistakes that can hurt your case
Whether you are a government or private sector employee, there is a pretty good chance you interact with sensitive information or documentation during the course of your job. If something appears sinister or if someone is committing fraud, it is your duty to let the...
What does it mean for an employer to retaliate against you?
Employees shouldn’t ever be fearful to speak up about things that are being done in the workplace. When workers see or experience anything illegal, they should be able to file a complaint with their employer or take it to the appropriate governing agencies. One thing...
3 forms of employer retaliation that you should know about
It is hard to speak up when you notice something wrong happening on the job. Most people immediately worry that reporting an issue to management or to an outside regulatory agency will result in the loss of their job. The need for income and job stability has a...