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3 important facts people need to know about brain injuries

On Behalf of | Jul 8, 2024 | Brain Injuries

There are many ways for people to develop acquired brain injuries. Some children enter the world with brain injuries caused by medical mistakes during labor and delivery. Some people acquire traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) due to car crashes or falls on private property.

TBIs can produce a broad assortment of different symptoms. They can cause major financial setbacks for a person hurt and their immediate family members. Many people with acquired brain injuries require financial support because of the consequences of their injuries. The three facts below about brain injuries can help clarify why compensation is often necessary for those with TBIs.

Brain injuries are incurable

Mild TBIs do not result in any permanent damage to the structure of the brain. Moderate to severe TBIs, on the other hand, do cause permanent damage. There is no way to repair the damage caused to the brain in such cases. Rehabilitation services can help people regain lost function or learn to live with the symptoms of their injuries. There are also cutting-edge treatments such as brain implants in the early stages of development. For the time being, a brain injury is likely to produce permanent symptoms for the affected persons.

Brain injuries can be hard to identify

Many people who hurt their brains don’t realize it immediately. Instead, they may go several days or even weeks before they notice warning signs of this major medical challenge. Symptoms are different in every case because the location and severity of the injury are different for each person. Beyond that, every person’s brain is inherently unique. Many people overlook the early signs of a TBI. People can have symptoms ranging from memory loss and recall challenges to issues with balance and motor function.

Brain injuries cause massive financial setbacks

It is nearly impossible to predict the cost of medical care after a brain injury. It can range from tens of thousands of dollars to millions of dollars depending on someone’s age and the type of injury they have. Medical costs are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the financial impact of a brain injury. People can also anticipate reduced income in cases involving moderate to severe TBIs. They may also require adjustments to their vehicles and houses. Given that brain injuries persist for life, the costs can continue accumulating for decades. Car insurance and other basic insurance coverage may not be adequate to reimburse people for the losses generated by a brain injury.

Exploring every option for compensation is often necessary for those adjusting to life with a brain injury. People who recognize why these injuries are so challenging may find it easier to seek out proper support after getting hurt.