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What does sex-based discrimination in the workplace include?

On Behalf of | May 18, 2021 | Employment Discrimination

Anyone who pays attention to the news has probably heard at least one story about sex-based discrimination in the workplace. What many people don’t realize, however, is how encompassing the laws are in this area. 

Sex discrimination has to do with gender identity, sexual orientation and physical gender. There are several things that all employees should know about this area of the law. 

What does it mean to face sex-related discrimination at work?

Matters related to sex discrimination are covered in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Pay Act. Both of these offer very specific protections for employees and requirements for employers to keep employees free from these types of matters. 

Title VII lays out what’s considered sex-based discrimination. It’s also been updated to include a stand against sexual orientation or gender identity discrimination. Because this is a federal law, it applies across the country. All companies who meet the qualifications of the act must comply. The Equal Pay Act requires that women make the same amount of money as men for comparable positions. Employers can’t pay one person less just because they’re female. Plus, local laws sometimes require compliance from companies beyond the specifications of either of these two Acts.

Sex-based discrimination can include things like:

  • Discrimination related to pregnancy or one’s status as a new or nursing mother
  • Discrimination related to one’s appearance when it is “gender non-conforming”
  • Discrimination related to gender identity or sexual orientation (or both)

It’s imperative that anyone who’s facing sex discrimination at work take steps to protect themselves. An attorney who’s familiar with this area of the law can be helpful in this situation. They can help you to learn your options and develop a plan to put a halt to the discrimination. The lawyer can also help you to address the legal aspects of situations involving sex discrimination.